Brass tech

April 23, 2008

today, the last day of class, Bruce stopped me after class and asked me to come to his office… so i did. When i got in there he told me that i have been without a doubt the best brass tech student he has ever had. He said something along the lines of not only was i good at all the instruments i picked up, but i was the best at each one in each rotation. He said that my essays on fundamentals and first lessons included the most information out of anyone, and told me that i have the best grade in the class without a doubt. He also invited me (again) to be in horn choir in the fall, which i will probably take him up on.

but what felt the best was when he said that i was going to be a stellar band director and he thinks that after getting myself established that high schools will be begging me to do their band programs.

it felt good
i’m really excited to start


February 21, 2008

I’m hiccuping about every 24 seconds right now, and it is driving me insane!!!

I learned that my roommate scott is colorblind here is his rainbow

compared to ours:

so that was fun

strange things happen in herrig 108 between 1-3 am

here is something else:

in other news, i got a million and a half comliments on my beard, how i looked, and  from prof nichol my conducting (in quartet) the last few days.. and it has been nice.