
March 12, 2008

i lay down in bed with lights off, computer away, and music off about midnight…. and it took me probably 3-4 hours to fall asleep

so now i’m skipping linear algebra because i’m already in a bad mood and that class just makes it worse

i can’t wait for the summer which for me will start on april 30

that’s…    35 school days, 7 weeks,196 hours of class, or 49 actual days,

at least this week is going fairly quickly, it’s already wednesday (an easy day) just one more day of hell (thursday i’m busy ALL DAY) then friday

the Nature of ….

February 27, 2008

the trumpet test went fine
not that i was worried about it

linear algebra feels a little better now, maybe i’ll actually pull an A on the midterm
the nature of language (aside from quartet) is my favorite class, everything we talk about in there is quite interesting

i can’t wait for spring break … 2 days or 10 classes or 3 midterms or 46 hrs from now, i will be going home … and it will be nice


January 7, 2008

10:00-10:50 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
11:00-11:50 Music Theory II
1:00-1:50 Brass Tech
3:30-4:30 Quartet

So far so good

Linear Algebra is going to be SO easy, i almost wish there was another math class i could fit into my schedule so i wasnt so bored with it. Music theory II will be alright, most of it is common sense anyway, and i think i’ll be alright even though i didnt take theory I. I think that Mondays and Wednesdays are going to be really nice for me.

Brass tech is going to be a lot of fun, today i got a Tuba (funny picture post later) and actually got the low notes i wasnt able to hit when i tried for like 5min one of the years in high school… so that’s cool

I love quartet, it’s my favorite of anything i do up here, and the other members are some great people!!

I hope i can get my lesson time like 3:00 on monday or wednesday, that would be nice… preferably wednesday

P.S. the thunderstorm and soundtrack to sweeny todd is making this an EXCELENT evening